
cnn ! Von Rokuko deci

Uniform waist Dao and they also uniform and carrying a black round hats .relationresultTook one look,von Rokuko guess this two group of people are hostile, because they look and the action had betrayed them .
relationresultKobayashiI do not know when to come up with a cigarette where Baji Baji silk ,silk snow box would let them have not much, so Feng Liuzi gave his only cigarette .relationresultVonRokuko smiled ,and said: the woods ,I have to see the play ,they want to fight ! , relationresultKobayashiwas very interest : fight? Let me help you? I want to fight .
.. ... , relationresultVonRokuko is looked down at a glance after Kobayashi said: fuck ,the mortal world who can beat you ?Stop here ! , relationresultKobayashiinnocent Michi Michi mouth ,said: I never said I use the true element !I you taught me Taijiquan is not ah? , relationresult,you give me to sit ,or else ,you will stay in house cents ! Von Rokuko decisively rejected Kobayashi .
, , relationresultOh.Boring ... ... Kobayashi mumbled ,will continue to his his cigarette ,he also in the heart smile, why should I listen to him? Kobayashi shook his head ,relationresultHe himself doesnknow why to von Rokuko ,but he is just like Feng Liuzi seeing much ,good to him ,save him ,so he subconsciously hears von Rokuko ,nothing , relationresultWhat reason!relationresultFoodquickly, a large table of delicious let von Rokuko and Kobayashi but some touching, perennial practice they don eat a normal meal, and now see so much , relationresultDelicious,two had both for eating .
relationresultWine,is a large altar ,drinking bowl, a dish, two manly drinking loudly chat .relationresultSix brother ,why are they still play ,waiting for what? Kobayashi specially spoke up .
relationresultI know ,you eat what you got !Reproduced in this book a is k Literature Network w �� of the kappa is , relationresultTwoloud dialogue are not far from the two group people hear ,men in black was intended to kill was released, and the youngest of the two little guys heard ,immediately put down , relationresultStare atthe black people of chopsticks .
relationresultThis is when thedownstairs ,cnn, Tang took the run up a man in black ,and attached to a leader to speak a few words of the ear .relationresultGood ! The black leader gave a great cry well after the four head turn .
relationresultKing five ,Zhang L, leaves home the two baby I want to set up ,accommodating to leave immediately, otherwise ,hum ... ... , relationresultThe blackleader mystifying looked at the knife and sword piece of rose Wang Wu !relationresultWith a knifethe middle-aged man , the king is five quiet cold sing: hum , black electrodeless , kill you million door received a silver to chase me these two poor nephew ? , relationresultHa ha ha ,what time you heard me ,kill door betrayed the employer ? Black electrodeless ha ha Yin Xiao ,while those of black people with Yin Xiao .
relationresultTwo youngwas red in the face ,when see the million kill door of Yin Xiao ,one of the children could not help : skids ,I Ye Ping and you fight ! , relationresultPinger ,can not be ! Wang Wu body quite fast ,only a dodge put Ye Ping stopped ,and also the fast into the black people war within the ring of fighting .
relationresultMillionkill door black electrodeless shouting : brothers ,leaves behind a two small dolls ,Zhen people ... ... ... Kill ! , relationresultAt thetwo men finally after fighting ,Kobayashi was a curse : ,I have no food before they play ?Boring ! , relationresultFeng Liuzi did not speak,he is looking in two group of troops action ,where he found the martial arts repertoire and fights like those portrayed in the novel as ,sticks and stones ,line , relationresultManners,all notes that he came to this planet is a quack martial arts world !relationresultVolume three:Chapter 144th : en route sector :( two) , relationresultUpdate: 2009-3-1816:45:53 chapter number :3370 , relationresultPerhaps everyChinese boy has a knight-errant dream ,whether under the pen of Jin Yong Yang Guo ,or Cologne Lu Xiaofeng ,those in the world of martial arts world characters are always accompanied with , relationresultAs weage grow together .
We have had a dream ,had become a warrior !However ,we all live in the rapid development of scientific and technological era, and that , relationresultDream and desireonly to boring time imagine .
relationresultFor Feng Liuzi,perhaps his boyhood is unfortunate ,but conversely ,he is lucky ,because he touched all of us mortals dream of life , relationresultStitchencounter ,regardless of the distant world of the fairies ,or the planet and disputes ,all of which ,no matter good or bad, at least he experienced ,at least he entered only , relationresultIn the dreamcan contact the world !relationresultNearly thirty people million kill door killer ,with a very strict ,whether move action ,or a walking pace, they clearly be trained with regularity of senior killer .
And , relationresultKing five Gang seemed reluctant to challenge, seven bodyguards were thirty people around the water not , relationresultPass,only a moment ,seven people killed and wounded six ,only one is still in a supporting ,Facebook.
relationresultThatis called rise has been the sword in two juvenile leaves home front ,may be due to do two things at one time ,he also does not support ,received three or four stab wounds .
relationresultking five held for thirty or forty kg weight machete attack ,although his number ,but what is called the black electrodeless is in them, but he still didn wire , relationresultNoinjuries ,obviously, he is the only master .
relationresultFeng Liuzi andKobayashi Ichino watch the reality fighting wars ,two individuals have no help either ,even death in their feet, man, they are nothing more than watching , relationresultAt a glance,although some have been so anxious to Kobayashi ,but Feng Liuzi did not agree to join him ,so he can depressed at dozens of people !relationresultThefighting had started up a building and the two building ,google,some good mobsters all huddled in the staircase aisle ,and the entire Tak Yin House has also been some lakes surrounded by people outside , relationresultThe.
relationresultking five ?That man is a broadsword king five !~ the crowd , relationresultA burst ofa riot ,obviously, this Wang Wu is very famous .relationresultNot that big king five long seclusion ?How again ? , relationresultHum ,which you do not know ?What is it right? ? A mustachioed ,arms holding a sword swordsman surprised look at a few people around .
relationresultPeople around some be rather baffling :s the matter ?Let hear it .relationresultStairsof several lakes hawker where whispered chat up .While von Rokuko O listen, he wants to know this two group of people has what kind .
relationresultAsked : jade Jianzong leaves home you heard? , relationresultNonsense ,who doesn the best in all the land of sword leaf . ... ... , relationresultHandlebar moustache.Once said: is, jade sword suzerain leaf silent in a half months ago died of poisoning ,deputy metropolitan Liuyang is missing, it is said that the whole of South , relationresultFang Heidaohas issued a warrant ,who can catch leaves home of two little doll ,will receive one hundred thousand two gold ! , relationresultWow !~ after the character nonsense ,stair mouth people , relationresultTime allshocked . Related articles:

